Monday, July 10, 2006

The Weekend Events 7 the - 9th of July:
  1. Sarah got her review published in Film Ireland magazine! i am so very sickeningly proud and in love!
  2. kelly showed up with a nice mexican guy called alonso, spicy!
  3. Sean mac an Ri was delighted with Italy wining the world cup as was bernie byrne who watched it at oxegen with a not so happy chappy welly.
  4. Sarah bought me the eraser cause we've been dating for four years now she also got me a cool Kramer t-shirt, its very funny.
  5. pirates of the Caribbean 2 was like pirates of the Caribbean 1 only longer, and a bit funnier.
  6. People are abroad : mam and dad are in portugal and dans in lans-a-rotty with ash. paddy and wendy are in the north of spain trekking a Christ walk. So i can play music as loud as i want, even on a school night.
  7. the knor sizzle and stir Thai green chilly was really nice but Sarah didn't like it.
  8. kelly went to Clare to see traditional music in a rural setting, didn't hear how he got on.
  9. bones got robbed by the star but he has they were stolen words so it didn't bother him, I feel it did a bit though.
  10. ej has settled in nicely in lusk.
  11. welly singed his hair with a fire ball, i don't know what Jane sees in him, other than the obvious god like physical features.

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