Friday, July 28, 2006


why'd ye gotta be so Negative

Al : don't not stop hesitating in undeveloping our improper undisclosed lack of dysfunctional unusual anti-symantic forms of word misuse Neil cause I am totally not hating this love of crazy negative speech.
the ball is firmly not in my court and don't not remember it!

Neil : I hope that your never not going to unlike my unpleasant attitude towards this negative entity surrounding the uncanny misplacement of a positive experience. No?

Al : No, No its is hardly unlikely but not implausible that I wont neglect never mishearing you speak of such wondrous negativity in the diction that seems to cause such friction.

Neil : And I don’t disrespect that.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


jumpers for goal posts...

..not anymore, now we have proper metal nets on an all-weather astro-truf training pitch. its wednesday night football: the world cup has rubbed off on all of us leaving behind a trail of "hey we used to have a laugh playing football on the street/green how come we never play anymore" kind of thoughts smeared on the cranium of our collective knoggins. and so we (bones mainly) have organized ourselves into a small but dedicated few that have decided to rent the astro-turf pitch every wednesday and play some relentless ball for an hour each week (relentless as the pitch is enclosed meaning the ball never goes out of play and we don't stop for half time). so far its only been 2 weeks but everyone is geared up for tonight, despite the exceptionally hot weather, and hopefully a routine will fall nicely into place.

Friday, July 14, 2006

A reading from the letter of Saint BRN to pwice.

Indeed, my man. Indeed.
For I myself had quite the seductively seducing silver tongue tasting tantalising talkative manner last night myself…….but for a second time in my life I actually felt somewhat of a colloquial foreign ambassador for the Itags when in extra time they revealed their rambunctiously salubrious style……here’s hoping it didn’t take it out of them………..although somewhat torn in two over ‘La Belle France’ and the ever so ‘El Dentaed Italians’ it’d make a classic final……….may the catwalks of Milan and Paris quiver in the onslaught of the two most fashionable nations on the green linen of life!!!!!!!

Monday, July 10, 2006

The Weekend Events 7 the - 9th of July:
  1. Sarah got her review published in Film Ireland magazine! i am so very sickeningly proud and in love!
  2. kelly showed up with a nice mexican guy called alonso, spicy!
  3. Sean mac an Ri was delighted with Italy wining the world cup as was bernie byrne who watched it at oxegen with a not so happy chappy welly.
  4. Sarah bought me the eraser cause we've been dating for four years now she also got me a cool Kramer t-shirt, its very funny.
  5. pirates of the Caribbean 2 was like pirates of the Caribbean 1 only longer, and a bit funnier.
  6. People are abroad : mam and dad are in portugal and dans in lans-a-rotty with ash. paddy and wendy are in the north of spain trekking a Christ walk. So i can play music as loud as i want, even on a school night.
  7. the knor sizzle and stir Thai green chilly was really nice but Sarah didn't like it.
  8. kelly went to Clare to see traditional music in a rural setting, didn't hear how he got on.
  9. bones got robbed by the star but he has they were stolen words so it didn't bother him, I feel it did a bit though.
  10. ej has settled in nicely in lusk.
  11. welly singed his hair with a fire ball, i don't know what Jane sees in him, other than the obvious god like physical features.

Monday, July 03, 2006

england got knocked out of the world cup and my radiohead tickets arrived in the post so i had a fantastic weekend!
aslo i watched some bbc planet earth episodes on wellys X-box with mark in kellys gaff so i was amazed and entertained as well as happy.

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