Friday, May 13, 2005

my exams start in four days. i present my project the week after and then im finished with education. no more learning. ever. i plan on never learning anything ever again. REM with sarah to look forward to now and that is going to be great. its on on the 19th of june and i cant wait. me and sarah went for a lovely walk across the south beach and then went to foxes to play football with hooj and bones, kelly and glen couldnt come down cause glen was doing kellys hair. ej was also awal as he went to the micky c to play poker. my dad has decided to go to paru with sarah to raise money for concern. im quite proud of the two of them, but secertly im prouder of my beautiful strong independent girlfriend. marko won the poker in ejs last week, then they had a second 'midnight' game and the jammy git won it too. fair play to the markus. vengence will be sought after tonight by all im sure. sarah and done-a-scretty both have birthdays coming up so the end of the month promises to be laced with sessions. plans are coming together to do some county touring and see the land of Eire this summer as well as a week in london so everything is looking great.

AT LAST you're cheering up!!! Good to see it, babelicious!!

I think you forgot the most important part of the poker game - me holding Mark in my death-like grip for HOURS!! As I said to Bones, I think I defo deserve a poker nick-name now!!!
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