Friday, November 26, 2004

Why going to dcu is shit. There are many reasons that I feel dcu is a piece of shit but the one that stands out is the people that attend this fucking hole. It would be an insult to geeks, nerds, computer-tools and borderline autistics to describe the people that come here to study, as any one type, but if you could combine the worst traits of each perhaps you would gain a better picture of the soulless shit eaters that surround me as I type. I hate this course.

Then drop out. All a degree does is kinda guarantee your future earnings, envy of your peers, fast cars, beautiful women, fear of the masses, Nobel prizes, unconditional love from your pets, the key to three Scandinavian cities, A dictatorship of a yet unformed eastern european empire and a nice bit of paper with a red blotch on the bottom.
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