Tuesday, November 30, 2004
we by we i mean glen, kelly, richie(kellys buddy from austrialia who is over for a while) and me were sitting in kellys car down on the south beach the other night. a decision
was made to put on dark side of the moon by pink floyd i.e "darkside". we were listening to it for a while and then kelly brought up the "wizard-of-oz-coincidences" richie had never watched the two synchronized together before and of course we all have. the lads suggest that we do it. i take a stand a suggest what i have thought would be a good idea for quite a while - synchronizing ok computer with 2001 a space odyssey. i reckon that it would work just as well provided you watched it in the same state of soberness. kelly rings xtra vision on his mobile to see if they have 2001 a space odyssey to rent on dvd. bare in mind its monday night at 10:44 and kelly rings up looking for 2001 with darkside blaring in the background. fio the guy who works in xtra vision must think that hes the biggest stoner in rush. they didnt have it in stock so we stayed in the car down the beach and talked about the fact that gravatons (things that carry the force of gravity) travel at a speed faster than the speed of light. kelly reckons that if i discovered a gravaton i would be sure of a Nobel prize in physics. Gravity has an instant affect if change occurs where as light still takes a certain time to travel before the difference is exerted. i thought of the idea that perhaps gravity has an instant effect as it is already there. rather than light, which travels through a medium such as air, water etc gravity is present in every medium, linked to everything like a chain and so if a change occurs it is instant as effect is spontaneous.
its just a thought, sounded better last night in the car [i had kelly thinking].
was made to put on dark side of the moon by pink floyd i.e "darkside". we were listening to it for a while and then kelly brought up the "wizard-of-oz-coincidences" richie had never watched the two synchronized together before and of course we all have. the lads suggest that we do it. i take a stand a suggest what i have thought would be a good idea for quite a while - synchronizing ok computer with 2001 a space odyssey. i reckon that it would work just as well provided you watched it in the same state of soberness. kelly rings xtra vision on his mobile to see if they have 2001 a space odyssey to rent on dvd. bare in mind its monday night at 10:44 and kelly rings up looking for 2001 with darkside blaring in the background. fio the guy who works in xtra vision must think that hes the biggest stoner in rush. they didnt have it in stock so we stayed in the car down the beach and talked about the fact that gravatons (things that carry the force of gravity) travel at a speed faster than the speed of light. kelly reckons that if i discovered a gravaton i would be sure of a Nobel prize in physics. Gravity has an instant affect if change occurs where as light still takes a certain time to travel before the difference is exerted. i thought of the idea that perhaps gravity has an instant effect as it is already there. rather than light, which travels through a medium such as air, water etc gravity is present in every medium, linked to everything like a chain and so if a change occurs it is instant as effect is spontaneous.
its just a thought, sounded better last night in the car [i had kelly thinking].
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Finally - proof positive that I am with you for your mind!
It's a genius notion, babe, and I hope you're duly proud of yourself!
However, I seem to remember many, many, many conversations in Kelly's car down the beach where we have all had epiphanies...combination of the inspiring surroundings and the gifted music, methinks!
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It's a genius notion, babe, and I hope you're duly proud of yourself!
However, I seem to remember many, many, many conversations in Kelly's car down the beach where we have all had epiphanies...combination of the inspiring surroundings and the gifted music, methinks!
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