Monday, October 04, 2004

so rush has slid into a weird b-movie-type cliche "attack of the dreaded locks". ah. the reggae massive have been spreading "the love" in the form of the dirty doo and i tells ye something they wont get me. sarah w got hit with one before she went to s.e.a but i fear she will have a full head of the dread on her return. only time will tell. she shall be missed. so who else fell victim to the hair of peace and chilled out coolness, well bar, sarah w, kellso, little sean and glen, thats who. thank god my good lady has not fallen into the pitt of good vibes and got the lock. we live in fear my friends, we live in a terrible time of fear. i prey that bones will not be the next to go

conor and sarah can get off me bleedin back i set the comments so as any auld gipsy can comment
sarah and conor can get off me bleedin back, its fixed and now bleedin auld gipsy can post a comment, i hope
Dreads aside, the hammock-buzz is ruining my wishes for peace and love! Wherefore art thou days of Dylan, Zeppelin and Floyd??

I could even take a whole day of Neil Young / Nick Cave in place of this dreaded (see what I did there?) plague!!

On the other hand, good luck to the Rush massive and their new-style reggae band!

Nice social commentary, gorgeous man (mon)! And also, fear not for del Bone – Man-U fans don’t do dread-locks!
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