Wednesday, July 28, 2004

so tuesday night me kelly sarah(w) and e to the j are down on the south beach and we spot the fay lad out on the boat, kelly gives him a bell and fay says, "grab your wetsuit there kelly and come out". kelly did and went water skiing. he is a lot better than he lets on, actually hes pretty bleedin mega at it. they stayed out in the sea till 10 and me ej and sarah(w) stayed in the jeep and chatted about binoculars and tea. it was a laugh. last night i cooked dinner for sarah(g obviously) and then we watched The Fisher King, very good stuff you can tell its terry gillingham a mile off but its really good, ej watched it with us, excellent stuff. i got a lend of bjorks album dancer in the dark soundtrack it bleedin alright, worth a listen. nails is in training for the greek session, i think he's loosing it. got word from bar things sound positive in the far east. this day three weeks im in NYC. cant wait. Sarah has diagnosed herself as a hyperglassemic, mad cow, but she could well be right the symptoms are all there: constant snacking, feeling cold, tired, bragging about being hyperglassemic etc. the other day i was out side tower records and i sneezed and a hugh Lump of snott shot out of my nose, Mega! sarah said i was disgusting. what would she know, sure shes hyperglassemic !
Sarah read in the paper that 'they' are sending a probe to satillite mercury, maddness! i know. the trusty, truthful fact-filled news of the wherever, reckons that when the nasa probe reaches mercury it may have to deal with tempetures of up to, wait for it, 37 c !  there has been hotter days in ireland this fucking year. get your facts right you cock heads. they probably ment 370000000 celcius. bunch of newspaper arse-bandits.
we're going camping this weekend by the by, looking forward to that.

Monday, July 26, 2004

i watched the great escape last night. steve mcqueen you dreamy basterd
wish i had a motorbickey. i went with Sarah to HARD ROCK CAFE DUBLIN on saturday it was a bit shit. very over priced. the beastie boys new album is class i reckon i have the upper hand on new york city when i go cause i have been listening to To The Five boroughs and i know what the city is about, but! ha ha New york knows nothing of Alan Price. i cant wait to go. the boner sent me another mail about the adventures of the rush massive on tour. they are on their way to Laos from Thailand and he had had some money robbed on him but seemed positive. Dinner in sarahs on sunday more than made up for the gayness of the HRC on sat. Me and ej started work on his ep cover. it looks well. i lead a simple life. dan still hasnt made it as a rap star but the doctors say it'll be any day now, so fingers crossed. 

Thursday, July 22, 2004

me and kelly went to play golf yesterday evening down in rush golf club. we brought the two sarahs as caddys. they had to wheel the golf trollys and hand us clubs and stuff. it was hilerious. the day before me ej and kelly were in the car down the south beach car park and ej said he wants to go on tour. kelly said that an elevator to the sky was impossible cause when you get to the trophisphere winds can reach up to 7000 miles an hour. i watched the parol officer, it was better than round the world in 80 days but not by much. sarah got her credit card. dazed and confused is on in the ifi next week, reckon ej me kelly and the two sarahs might go along, make a night of it. we're thinking of going camping as well.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

nothing much to say as of yet
no real news. i am going to nyc with sarah(g) {the best girl in the world} in a couple of weeks, excited about that.
the lads flew to thiland four days ago. watched dumb and dumber last night with kelly and ej and sarah(w).
saw spiderman 2 the other day very good. started listening to talking heads-remain in light. its excellent. we got a suround sound system at home so i have gone dvd mad lately.
no friends for the summer so i have decided to right suff for them to read while on thier travells.

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